
I found the school very welcoming, one little family. Thank you all for the kindness. This experience will remain forever in my mind, hoping to one day, I will send my children to this school! Grazie grazie grazie! See you soon!
- Clay Giannini | 44 anni | Svitzerland | Pre-Intermediate
- Clay Giannini | 44 anni | Svitzerland | Pre-Intermediate

I like Malta, it's a beautiful country and the school is very nice.
- Claudia Gavarini | 16 yrs | Italian | Elementare
- Claudia Gavarini | 16 yrs | Italian | Elementare

A good experience which allows me to break down my barriers and no longer be afraid to speak in English.
- Cecile Robert | 32 yrs | French | Intermediate
- Cecile Robert | 32 yrs | French | Intermediate

One month in Malta and it is like living a dream. In this small Mediterranean Island I found many interesting places to visit. I was in Comino, with my friends and it was great to swim, watch fish and jump from the cliffs.
Also the school is right, I have to learn many things but I am here to improve my English and my skills.
- Bruno Curto | 27 yrs | Italian | Pre-Intermediate
- Bruno Curto | 27 yrs | Italian | Pre-Intermediate

I am very happy that IH provides drinking water and has a room for self-study. My teacher is very kind and has a lot of experience in teaching English. My English is improving everyday.
- Bokyung Kim | 27 yrs | Korean | Upper Intermediate
- Bokyung Kim | 27 yrs | Korean | Upper Intermediate

Malta and INTERNATIONAL HOUSE Malta-Gozo became my second home! Here I have accomplished my goals for 2013: improve my language, made a lot of new friends and had a memorable and best summer ever.
- Assiya Ilyassova | 29 yrs | Kazakh | Intermediate
- Assiya Ilyassova | 29 yrs | Kazakh | Intermediate

People from school are very friendly and the classes are light and relaxing as well.
- Arthur Goncalves Assini | 24 yrs | Brazilian | Upper Intermediate
- Arthur Goncalves Assini | 24 yrs | Brazilian | Upper Intermediate

School - Very good atmosphere, friendly, positive, useful lessons.
- Andrey Chirikov | 40yrs | Russia | Intermediate
- Andrey Chirikov | 40yrs | Russia | Intermediate

When I chose Malta as my destination to study English, I thought that it was going to be a good experience, but it was even better. I met good and nice people who became family, brothers, sisters, mummy and daddy, and friends. I cried. I smiled. I laughed. Basically I was so happy during these three months of my life. It was something I really needed.
- Andrea Vicario Jover | 27 anni | Spagna | Intermedio
- Andrea Vicario Jover | 27 anni | Spagna | Intermedio

In our opinion the experience at the school has been great.
We made good friends and new people from all over the world, with different cultures, and it was a good experience of life.
Malta an Island, very small but with many beautiful and interesting places, for example: Blue Lagoon, Paradise Bay, Museums, Comino, Gozo, etc.
The accommodation, it is good.
Our experience in Malta was AWESOME :) !!
- Ana Pereira Martins and Rui Alexandre| Portuguese | Pre-Intermediate
- Ana Pereira Martins and Rui Alexandre| Portuguese | Pre-Intermediate